**Classic - affordable; has a shorter run time requiring a cooling-off period

**Premium - sturdier than Classic; quieter than both other models

**Pro - very sturdy; built for more continuous use like in a clinical setting for multiple applications; requires less time for treatments due to higher power; much faster results

What are the differences between the 3 devices?
One-year Warranty: device will be repaired or replaced if faulty or defective by contacting the person you purchased the device from or customer service in your back office
NO refunds OR returns if you change your mind or are no longer satisfied with the product

NOTE: The 'Username' section is NOT optional.

Please enter at least 3 choices. Each choice should be between 4 to 15 letters and/or numbers in length.

For example: APPLE12, BOOK34, COOKIE56

How to Register your Warranty after receiving your iTeraCare device:

Step 1: Log into your account (back office)

Step 2: Go to 'Navigate'

Step 3: Go to 'Device Warranty'

Step 4: Click on the orange icon next to your DO reference #

Step 5: Enter the serial number (S/N) which is located on your device

Step 6: Enter your security password & confirm